viernes, 24 de diciembre de 2010


 December 22, 2010

Today, while the Christmas draw was taking place, I got up. I had forgotten it! However, despite my mum had some tickets, we didn’t win anything, so we will have to wait for the next year draw to become millionaire.

In the evening, I went to the driving school. I started last week and I’m studying really hard to get pass the theoretical exam before the High School exams start. In that case, I would have too many things to do.
After that, I went to my friend Raquel’s house. I usually visit her at the weekends, but I’m on holidays so I could go despite it was Wednesday. Besides, we both wanted to walk around Las Américas with some friends, and we did it!

Then, we went to some different discos called “Malecón” and “Achaman”. I had an amazing night. What’s more, I danced during all the night! I really needed a moment like that because it had been a long time that I hadn’t enjoyed so much.

To sum up, it was a very good day!

December 23, 2010

It was 12 o’clock when I woke up. I quickly had a shower and had breakfast because I had to be in Santa Cruz before driving school lessons start. Luckily, I arrived on time, and I even had plenty of time to stop by my house.

After the lesson had finished, I went home and then I did some homework and studied as well. I have such a lot of homework that I prefer starting since now than doing it at the last moment.

Finally, I spend a long time with my family, watching the TV, and I went to bed very early because I was tired.

December 24, 2010

I had set the alarm at 9, but I woke up at 12! I had many things to do before the family dinner: I had a shower, smoothed my hair, painted my nails, put my make-up on…

Afterwards, my brother, my sister-in-law and my nephew came over to my home. My nephew lives with his mother and his stepfather, and as a consequence of that, Santa Claus left the gifts early so as to my brother’s son could open them before going away. Nevertheless, I had to wait until the next morning because there were only the child’s presents.

Then, as every year, we had the typical Christmas dinner: a kind of rice called “congris”, some pork, salad… However, this year we had something different: a dish made by crab! I didn’t even try it because I don’t like crab, but my family did! Finally, we had a dessert made by sweet milk, and in this case I tasted it. What’s more, I liked it!

At the end of the day, we all watched a movie on the TV called “Christmas Carol”, which is based on the book I have to read as homework for the E.O.I., so it was really useful. After that, I went to bed at midnight, earlier than years before.

In conclusion, it was a common but pleasant Christmas Eve.
December 25, 2010

As every Christmas Day, I got up quickly so as to see the presents Santa Claus had left me under the Christmas tree. Moreover, it was just what I had asked for! It sounds slightly material, but I wanted some money. When I was a child, I used to ask for dolls and things like those. However, when I grew up, my likes changed: for a few years, I ordered some clothes. And here is the problem: my mum and I have different opinions about fashion. As a result of this, she prefers giving me some money and then I can go shopping with my friends.

In the afternoon, something extremely amazing happened: my sister-in-law went to the hospital; she was giving birth! In other words, we stayed at the hospital during many hours, until my mum suggested us go home because it was too late. Then, I went to sleep, but I was really nervous!

December 26, 2010

When the alarm rang, I immediately got up so as to know what had happened with my little niece. As I had thought, she had been born! It had happened at 3 in the morning! However, I had to wait a while until I could meet her despite I was really anxious to do it. Firstly, I went to the mall in order to buy a present for my cousin who would come over at night from La Gomera.

After doing that, my parents and I went to the hospital and we saw the new member of the family. She was so cute and tiny! I didn’t even carry her because I was scared! Babies are really delicate and I’m a bit clumsy sometimes.

At the end of the day, as I said before, my little cousin came to visit us with her parents, so we stayed at home, and we had the Christmas dinner again, but this time the other part of the family were there.

December 31, 2010

Since last Sunday, I haven’t done anything interesting enough to talk about. In fact, the only unusual thing I did was buying a new dress, shoes and some accessories to wear on the most important night of the year, and that’s what I’m going to tell: New Year’s Eve.

In the morning, I remembered I hadn’t got a hairdresser’s appointment, so I had to smooth my hair by myself, and after that, I painted my nails. Then, I helped my mum to clean and organize our house in order to have everything prepared for dinner.

Later, at night, I got dressed and put my make-up. A few minutes later, my family came over: my sister-in-law, my nephew, my little niece… As every year, we had dinner together and the menu was very similar than the Christmas one. After that, we waited for the twelve stokes of midnight watching TV. We used to go to see the fireworks in Santa Cruz, but this year we couldn’t because of my niece: she’s too young and it might be dangerous for her. As a consequence of that, we made something different that time, although I’ve to admit that I missed following the tradition. Anyway, we finally did the same: we were in family at New Year’s Eve and that’s what matter!

While the bells rang out, we tried to eat the twelve grapes, however, I couldn’t. In fact, I have never been able to do this because I don’t like grapes, so I made a big effort.

Finally, at the end of the night, my parents gave me a lift to the disco, where I had arranged to meet some friends of the south. Luckily, although I arrived really late (it’s very far from my home) I had a good time! That was the first year I went out at New Year’s Eve, and I will never lose it again!

January 5, 2011

I haven’t done so many unusual things since New Year’s Eve, although I made the most of my time. In other words, I just studied, did some homework, went to the driving school… In fact, the only interesting thing I did was going shopping so as to buy the presents for the Three Kings Day. As every year, my family did a gift exchange, so we did a draw and each one of us had to give a present to someone in specific. In my case, that person was my sister-in-law. It was really easy to me because we have similar likes, so I bought her a brown blouse and a pair of earrings.

At the end of the day, my whole family was at home and my mum made a special dinner, not only because of the Tree Kings Day, but also because my great-uncle was setting off to Cuba the next day. Then, finally, I went to bed early in order to get up soon.

January 6, 2011

When I woke up, like every year, I quickly went to the Christmas tree. There were a lot of presents, but unfortunately I couldn’t open them before my nephew arrived. I waited during a few hours and then, I received my presents! They were just what I had asked for. In fact, one of them was really special for me: a ticket for a concert that I really wanted to go to! I was so amazed!

Before that, I stayed with my family the whole day. We had lunch together, we saw films… And I also packed up my things because next day I had to go to the South.

January 7, 2011

In the morning, as I said before, I went to the South to my friend’s home. Later, in the evening, we went for a walk during just a few hours because we should come home early so that we could get ready to go to the disco.

However, we returned soon because I had to get up at 7 am in order to take the ferry to La Gomera with my parents.

January 8, 2011

I had been to La Gomera two times before today, so when we arrived to San Sebastián, I guided my parents because we were going to my family’s home, and they live a bit far from San Sebastián. In fact, they live in Playa Santiago. Fortunately, we could easily find the right way without getting lost.

After having lunch at a restaurant near the beach, we went for a walk around the small village of Playa Santiago. It was a very peaceful place and there was a good time. However, the fact that I liked the least was the population, because there weren’t too much young people. What’s more, I only saw children and elderly. But I didn’t care a lot because I also needed a time to relax in a town so calm than this one.

At night, we went to another restaurant, and this time it was much more amazing: we could see the whole town from the restaurant and it looked really lovely!

January 9, 2011

We all got up early to visit San Sebastián again. Nevertheless, we couldn’t stay a lot of time there because we also wanted to visit Valle Gran Rey. As a result of this, we only went for a walk and returned home.
In the evening, we decided to have lunch at a restaurant, like the day before. I really liked the food they served us. It was better than the rest of the restaurants.
Afterwards, we tried to visit Valle Gran Rey, but it was too far and we had to be early in San Sebastian so as to take the ferry to Tenerife. Therefore, we couldn’t see that place and we went to the capital. There, we had to wait during a log time because the ferry was late. Finally, we came home!

This is one of the pictures I like the most.

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